Adult / Couple
Pope francis' monthly prayer intentions
Each month, the pope designates an intention that we are all called to pray for. You can find the list of prayer intentions for 2020 on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In addition, a group called "Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network," in collaboration with Vatican Media, produces a short video each month of Pope Francis sharing a reflection on his prayer intention. View the February video.
The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network also offers a brief reflection on this month's prayer intention.
The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network also offers a brief reflection on this month's prayer intention.
I will be their God, and They shall be my people
This month at Faith Formation, we explored how the story of salvation history is the narrative that ties all of the various books of the Bible together. From creation, through the covenants with Abraham and Moses, to the early Christian Church, and continued to today, God has promised to be our God, and we are God's people. God has initiated this covenant relationship and has remained faithful even when we have turned away.
To read more about the story of salvation history, go here. If you would like a little longer article about the story of the covenant, read here.
To read more about the story of salvation history, go here. If you would like a little longer article about the story of the covenant, read here.
Prepare for lent
Lent is upon us! How shall we prepare? Here is an article that gives some good thoughts for reflection and planning for the Lenten season.