Family with Teen(s)
Color Your Advent Prayer
One of the beautiful things about our Catholic faith is that there are so many ways to meet God and to pray! Our faith teaches us that God uses all of creation to speak to us, to tell us how much we are loved. Our response, prayer, doesn't have to be just talking and listening. We pray with our bodies -- kneeling, bowing, genuflecting, clapping to joyful hymns.... We can also use art to experience God's love and respond to it. Download and print this Advent coloring page. Reflect on the Scripture readings for each week of Advent, and color the corresponding art section.
Guess what? Christmas is not until December 25! You wouldn't know it if you look around at the stores and street decorations, etc. Advent is the season of the Church year that comes before Christmas, and it is meant to help us get ready for Christmas. To prepare for Advent, watch this short video for a better understanding of how to observe this beautiful season!
Prepare the Way of the Lord
EditWe have seen and heard how the season of Advent helps us to prepare for Christmas. At Christmas, we remember how Jesus became a human being, a tiny infant, just as we all began. But why did God become human and live among other humans for 30+ years? Well, there are many reasons. One of the things Jesus was about was building God's Kingdom. God's Kingdom is one of love and peace, where everyone has what they need to live and thrive. We can see that our world is far from the completion of that Kingdom.
But Jesus taught us that every time someone helps someone else, every time a person shares with someone in need, every time we are kind or loving or generous -- all of those are signs of the Kingdom. It's has not reached its perfection yet, but when people follow Jesus' example of love and mercy, they are showing the world what the Kingdom can be like.
Advent is a great time to live like Kingdom people! Decide to do ONE thing to show others the love and mercy of Jesus. Some ideas include:
Find your own ways to build the Kingdom of God as we prepare once again to celebrate the birth of our King!
But Jesus taught us that every time someone helps someone else, every time a person shares with someone in need, every time we are kind or loving or generous -- all of those are signs of the Kingdom. It's has not reached its perfection yet, but when people follow Jesus' example of love and mercy, they are showing the world what the Kingdom can be like.
Advent is a great time to live like Kingdom people! Decide to do ONE thing to show others the love and mercy of Jesus. Some ideas include:
- help serve a meal to the poor
- provide a Christmas gift for someone at Altoona Nursing and Rehab (more information here)
- do extra chores at home without being asked
- visit a care center to sing carols or bring cookies
- send a cheery card to someone who is lonely
- take a younger sibling to do something THEY want to do
- sit the the kid that nobody sits with at lunch
- shovel snow for a neighbor anonymously
- donate to a toy or mitten or sock drive
- check with Caring Hands to see what is most needed at Christmas time
Find your own ways to build the Kingdom of God as we prepare once again to celebrate the birth of our King!
confirmation connection
Explore Covenants
EditAt November’s Faith Formation session, the teens were given Bible passages that told of a story of salvation and covenant*.
Covenants are more than a promise, more than an agreement, covenants are initiated by God who wants us to live a better way of life. We need to respond as a sign of our faith.
Sacraments are also covenants. Initiated by Jesus, they lead to a better way of life and require a response. With the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist a person is fully initiated into the Church. The Bible stories we searched help us to understand the relationship between God and each of us.
The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a great time for all household members to take a little time to look at the love story between God and all of us.
Ask and discuss with each other:
*Stories of Salvation
God’s Promise to Abraham
Moses and the Burning Bush
Liberation of Israelites from Slavery
The Sinai Covenant
Jesus’ Genealogy and Birth
Promise of the Holy Spirit
Covenants are more than a promise, more than an agreement, covenants are initiated by God who wants us to live a better way of life. We need to respond as a sign of our faith.
Sacraments are also covenants. Initiated by Jesus, they lead to a better way of life and require a response. With the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist a person is fully initiated into the Church. The Bible stories we searched help us to understand the relationship between God and each of us.
The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a great time for all household members to take a little time to look at the love story between God and all of us.
Ask and discuss with each other:
- What is your first memory of God?
- If you were to choose one adjective which describes who God is for you, what would it be?
- How do you experience God’s love when you celebrate a sacrament, especially Eucharist?
- Which people in your life help you experience God’s love?
- Candidate, which Bible story did you look up and discuss? Tell what you learned.
*Stories of Salvation
God’s Promise to Abraham
Moses and the Burning Bush
Liberation of Israelites from Slavery
The Sinai Covenant
Jesus’ Genealogy and Birth
Promise of the Holy Spirit