Family with Teen(s)
Parents and Teens -- have you ever had a conversation with someone where they did ALL the talking? And I mean, ALL. Where you couldn't get a word in edgewise? How did that make you feel? How satisfying was that conversation? Sometimes our prayer can feel like that. We can be nervous or in a hurry or anxious about something, and it all just spills out. God is waiting for us to come and express our concerns and frustrations, as well as our joys and excitement. But do we ever stop to listen for what God has to say to us? This blog post gives us a simple suggestion for starting to listen to God: take one minute. Read on for more...
The Gospel for Me and You
This year in Faith Formation, as we focus on the Bible, we are learning that the four gospels are at the heart of the Bible. They tell the stories of Jesus. They give us the teachings of Jesus. As challenging as it can be to know where to begin reading the Bible, it can also be a challenge to know where to find specific teachings or words of Jesus in the gospels. In this blog post, you will see some suggestions for where to begin. Look up the Scripture passages that are quoted and read the whole chapter. That will give you the context for those quotes and a great glimpse into the life of Jesus as described in the gospels.
Know your Social Media
Parents of teens, does your young person have the TikTok app on their phone? If you don't know, ask them. In fact, after you read this article, ask them to read it. And then have a conversation about it. TikTok is just one one of hundreds of apps, but it is very popular right now. It is important for us as parents to not only know about the social media our young people are using, but to have conversations that help THEM to know what they're dealing with. The linked article is a good place to start.
Confirmation connection
What's in a Name?
At your baptism, you were called by name. At the Confirmation Rite, the bishop will call you by name as he anoints you. Have you asked your parents why they chose the name they did for you? Ask -- you may be surprised!
In the Bible, names often meant something that related to the person. Look up the following verses. Some of the names are quite funny.
Abraham -- father of a host of nations -- Genesis 17:1-5
Isaac -- laughter -- Genesis 18:13-15; 21:1-3
Moses -- I drew him out of the water -- Exodus 2:1-10
Samuel -- God has heard -- 1 Samuel: 15-20
Ruth -- friend -- Ruth 1:1-18
Elijah -- my God is YAHWEH -- 2 Kings 2:9-12
Jesus Christ -- savior -- Matthew 1:18-21
Now, look up the meaning of your name. Is it a saint’s name? Here are some websites where you can look:
Francisan Media's Saint of the Day
RCL Benziger's Saints Resource
Saint Stories for All Ages from Loyola Press
Your name could have a long and meaningful history!
Candidates: research your saint name or another saint you admire. Write a paragraph that tells their name, when they lived, and how they lived their faith. Include an explanation of why they were declared a saint. You can give me the paragraph in person or email it to me.
In the Bible, names often meant something that related to the person. Look up the following verses. Some of the names are quite funny.
Abraham -- father of a host of nations -- Genesis 17:1-5
Isaac -- laughter -- Genesis 18:13-15; 21:1-3
Moses -- I drew him out of the water -- Exodus 2:1-10
Samuel -- God has heard -- 1 Samuel: 15-20
Ruth -- friend -- Ruth 1:1-18
Elijah -- my God is YAHWEH -- 2 Kings 2:9-12
Jesus Christ -- savior -- Matthew 1:18-21
Now, look up the meaning of your name. Is it a saint’s name? Here are some websites where you can look:
Francisan Media's Saint of the Day
RCL Benziger's Saints Resource
Saint Stories for All Ages from Loyola Press
Your name could have a long and meaningful history!
Candidates: research your saint name or another saint you admire. Write a paragraph that tells their name, when they lived, and how they lived their faith. Include an explanation of why they were declared a saint. You can give me the paragraph in person or email it to me.