Family with Teen(s)
January is Poverty awareness month
There are many resources available to help us learn more about poverty in our country -- its causes and what we can do to address those causes.
Watch this video to understand more about people who live in poverty in our country.
Now that we have a better understanding of the situation, what do we do about it? Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) offers us a way to respond as followers of Jesus. Watch this video to get started.
Find even more information and ideas on CCHD's website.
Watch this video to understand more about people who live in poverty in our country.
Now that we have a better understanding of the situation, what do we do about it? Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) offers us a way to respond as followers of Jesus. Watch this video to get started.
Find even more information and ideas on CCHD's website.
Jesus calls us to follow him
Now that the Christmas season has ended and Ordinary Time has begun, we will hear about the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in the gospel readings each Sunday. On January 26, we will hear the story of Jesus calling the first disciples to “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of people.” Through our Baptism, we are all called to share in Jesus’ work of sharing the good news of God’s love. Most often, we tell that good news by our actions, rather than words. These actions are not just reserved for the season of Lent or summer service experiences … we are called to live like Jesus every single day. What are some ways we can live the good news? Pick at least one, or come up with your own and act on it sometime during the rest of January.
- Sit by the kid who nobody sits with at lunch
- Help out with household chores without being asked
- Help with kids’ activities at Mardi Gras on February 25
- Let someone go ahead of you in line
- Bring food donations for Caring Hands food pantry (for January, they are asking for donations of low sugar breakfast cereal)
- Babysit for your siblings or friend or neighbor for free to give the parents a break
- Call, write a note, or visit one of your grandparents or another relative
- Spend time playing with or reading to a younger sibling without being asked
- Sign up for a liturgical ministry (lector, greeter, server, Eucharistic minister) – contact the parish office
- Hold the door for someone
- Help with childcare at the parish (see the parish website for a link to sign up)
- Shovel a neighbor’s walk for free (after you help with you own!)
- Write an encouraging note to someone who is having a hard time
- Care for our planet by putting appropriate items in the recycling bin instead of the trash
- Smile at people
- Make desserts and help with the fish fries during Lent
- Write a thank you note to someone who is important in your life – a parent, teacher, coach, catechist, etc.
confirmation connection
Jesus and Me -- Family Trees of Faith
The high school teens searched through Jesus’ family and faith tree in January. Not all of his ancestors were Jewish! Some were good, some bad, and some were chosen.
Do you know how far back in your family your Catholic faith goes? Are all your relatives Catholic? This would make for good family conversation. Take some time to research your family’s faith history. What country did the faith come from? What family traditions have a faith background? Do you have photos of Grandpa’s First Communion? It’s good to know where our faith started!
Do you know how far back in your family your Catholic faith goes? Are all your relatives Catholic? This would make for good family conversation. Take some time to research your family’s faith history. What country did the faith come from? What family traditions have a faith background? Do you have photos of Grandpa’s First Communion? It’s good to know where our faith started!