A Summer of Hope
Find at home resources to celebrate Mass at home and to interact with the Sunday Readings
Pray this prayer of Hospitality, asking God to use to you welcome others wherever you may meet them.
Pray this prayer of Hospitality, asking God to use to you welcome others wherever you may meet them.
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Children's Liturgy of the Word
Join us here for a video clip and resources to use with the Sunday Mass. Each weeks video and information will be added Saturday morning.
Sunday, June 7
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday, which reminds us that our God is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Like the parts of this apple, skin, fruit, seeds
How can one God be made up of three persons?
This teaching is kind of a mystery. It is a teaching that we know to be true, but it is so full of wonder, we can never know everything there is to know about it. Our God is a God of wonder – a wonder-full God! A God who loves everyone. What wonderful things do you know about God? How can you tell other people about how wonderful our God is?
Children's Sunday Readings
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday, which reminds us that our God is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Like the parts of this apple, skin, fruit, seeds
How can one God be made up of three persons?
This teaching is kind of a mystery. It is a teaching that we know to be true, but it is so full of wonder, we can never know everything there is to know about it. Our God is a God of wonder – a wonder-full God! A God who loves everyone. What wonderful things do you know about God? How can you tell other people about how wonderful our God is?
Children's Sunday Readings
Sunday, June 14
Feast of Body and Blood of Christ This week we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. This is a feast to celebrate the Eucharist and Jesus giving us this amazing gift.
Think about all the kinds of good food we have to choose from. What are some of your favorite foods? In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us that he gives us himself in the bread and wine that is transformed at Mass. As Jesus shares food with people who are hungry.
What are some ways we can share food with people who need it? What is one thing you can do with your family this week to help someone who is hungry?
Feast of Body and Blood of Christ This week we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. This is a feast to celebrate the Eucharist and Jesus giving us this amazing gift.
Think about all the kinds of good food we have to choose from. What are some of your favorite foods? In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us that he gives us himself in the bread and wine that is transformed at Mass. As Jesus shares food with people who are hungry.
What are some ways we can share food with people who need it? What is one thing you can do with your family this week to help someone who is hungry?
Sunday, June 21 In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his friends, “Don’t be afraid of anyone!” Are you ever afraid? What are you afraid of? How does it make you feel? Who helps you when you feel afraid? How does that make you feel? How do you think that Jesus’ friends felt when Jesus told them they didn’t have to be afraid? How can Jesus help you with your fears?
Learn about Guardian Angels. Learn the Guardian Angel prayer below.
Learn about Guardian Angels. Learn the Guardian Angel prayer below.
So who knows the number of hairs on your head? God knows!
Sunday, June 28 In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his friends how important hospitality is. What does the word “hospitality” mean? Can you think of a time when someone showed you hospitality and welcome? How did you feel? What did you learn about that person or persons? How can you show hospitality? Jesus ends by saying that it is especially important to show hospitality to his humble followers. What does “humble” mean? Who are the humble followers of Jesus? How do we show them hospitality?
During the Gospel today stand to show reverence. How can you be welcoming to others ? |
Sunday, July 5 Find Peace:
- Use your existing prayer space, or create a prayer space. Find an area around the house where you can spend some quiet time with God, your Bible, and yourself. Spend time relaxing, taking a break, refocusing, or praying.
- Add items to your prayer space such as a cross, holy water, candle, blanket, stress ball, a plant, anything that brings you peace.
- Share your concerns with Jesus, but also thank Him for everything you have.
Coloring page of oxen and yoke |
Sunday, July 12 What do seeds need to grow into strong healthy plants?
Jesus says that the word of God is like the seeds. Our heart is like the soil. Let’s think of God’s word as little faith seeds. What helps them grow? (an open heart, listening ears) When those little seeds grow in us, what kind of person do we become? How can we help faith grow in other people?
Jesus says that the word of God is like the seeds. Our heart is like the soil. Let’s think of God’s word as little faith seeds. What helps them grow? (an open heart, listening ears) When those little seeds grow in us, what kind of person do we become? How can we help faith grow in other people?
Discussion Questions
It is important to continue to connect with our children and talk about each others' day.
1. What is one thing you would like to do this summer?
2. Are you happy today ? Are you sad today?
It is important to continue to connect with our children and talk about each others' day.
1. What is one thing you would like to do this summer?
2. Are you happy today ? Are you sad today?
101 Things to Do this Summer
Here is a great list 101 things to do with your kids this summer. As a family challenge, print the list and see how many things you can complete this summer. |
Father's Day Activities
- Father's Day Bookmarks
- Father's Day Card directions can be found here
Multicultural Activities for Kids
It is hard to talk to kids about race and all the troubling things going on in many cities today. One of the many things I learned teaching preschool for 10 years was children do not see differences in other children. They see their classmates for the unique friend they are. We can help children understand differences as a gift from God and that we are each made special. One way to celebrate our uniqueness is to give children the proper tools. This means art supplies in a variety of skin tones. Children get very excited when they can draw themselves and friends as they see them. Here is a great link to encourage exploration with multicultural art supplies. |